Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Association Of Parent Adolescent Relationships And...

The main focus of this study was to examine the association of parent-adolescent relationships and the adolescent’s relationship with their peers. Previous research has found that parents do play a crucial role in shaping a child’s social skills and in their relationships with peers but this is prior to adolescence. The literature review had found that studies on parental influences through adolescence are not as common and the ones that were available typically only focused on how parents and peers influence social development in their own unique ways. Empirical studies have also displayed the importance of attachment and accepting parenting is for a child’s psychological growth. Since there was not a lot of research available on available on adolescent relationships with their parents and its association with peer relationships, Dekovic and Meeus wanted to dig deeper. They formed a study where they examined the relationship between both parents and adolescences and how that affected the adolescent’s self-concept and their peer relations. They hypothesized that the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship would predict the self-concept of the adolescent. The self-concept of the adolescent would in turn, predict the adolescent’s relationship with their peers. Questionnaires were administered individually to the mothers, fathers and adolescents in their homes. Sample and Measures, Procedure The subjects of this study consisted of 508 families with adolescents, 254Show MoreRelatedAdolescence And Young Adulthood : Young Relationships And Delinquency1436 Words   |  6 PagesWithin current culture, it is easy to assume that young relationships are innocent and do not enable any issues in the adolescents cognitive or physical development. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

An Overview of Alternative Methods of Incarceration

An Overview of Alternative Methods of Incarceration Leaders at the Federal, State, and Local levels are constantly seeking ingenious methods to reduce the costs of criminal justice and corrections. It is agreed that violent offenders should be in maximum security facilities, however establishing alternatives to prison for non-violent offenders have become a necessity (e.g. DMI, Project HOPE, The 24/7 sobriety project). Due to the overcrowding and budget issues, methods have been devised to increase the efficiency of the criminal justice system while maintaining public safety. â€Å"The cost per day for a client in jail or prison is $107.71 as opposed to alternatives (e.g. Drug Court $10.33; DRRD $6.60; Probation .33)† (Piquero, 2010). There†¦show more content†¦Many offenders are released into this program, if the courts determine by considering the offense and profile that an offender can benefit from the structure and counseling provided by halfway houses, as opposed to incarceration. Halfway houses cost less and relieve the overcrowding of jails and prison. Offenders must work full time to maintain the facility, perform community service, and attend educational and counseling programs. They are regularly tested for drugs. Offenders are permitted to leave only for work or approved treatment programs and must return to the facility by a designated time. Diversionary Treatment Programs: This is an opportunity for low-level offenders and first time offenders to manage the charges against them without pleading guilty or going to trial. Diversionary programs are less costly affording the defendant the opportunity to compensate victims by paying restitution and community service. The duration of the program is six months to a year or more and defendants pay for their diversion program. Once the participant completes the program, the case returns to court and the infraction is either dismissed or the defendant receives a lesser charge. House Arrest and Electronic Monitoring: These methods if properly operated can be a cost effective, community friendly program to maintain low-risk and non-violent offenders. Offenders can only leave the home for medical appointments or emergencies, work, community service, andShow MoreRelatedThe Criminal Justice System Is Complex1201 Words   |  5 PagesOverview: The criminal justice system is complex and in need of several types of reforms, this is especially true in the juvenile justice system. In 2012, there were 1,319,700 arrests of juveniles in the United States (OJJDP) and this includes both violent and non-violent offenses committed by those under the age of 18. Policy reforms can offer alternatives to the incarceration of young offenders, by providing mental health, or addiction rehabs for those that are in need of it rather than lockingRead MoreHomelessness : The Logical Solution1246 Words   |  5 PagesEconomic Growth Homelessness: The Logical Solution Abstract: Homelessness is an issue, which plagues millions of Americans on a daily-basis. The current mainstream method of dealing with this issue has proven to be inefficient and extremely expensive, a burden which is passed onto society, despite the plethora of alternative methods which have a proven success rate and also have a much larger cost when compared to that associated with general homelessness in the country. Introduction: HomelessnessRead MoreCriminal Punishment And The Criminal Justice System1193 Words   |  5 Pagesrestitution, and probation to incarceration in jail or prison. For much of the 20th century, criminal sentencing practices remained largely unchanged in the United States. Over the past few decades, we have witnessed a practical revolution in criminal punishment processes. A number of different sentencing reforms have been recently expanded, resulting in a mix of different legal approaches to sentencing in the United States today. I will begin with a brief overview of sentencing philosophies, followedRead MoreCriminal Court : A Look At Prosecutorial Waivers846 Words   |  4 Pagescontroversy surrounding its exclusive use by prosecutors. A brief history of how the waiver came about and an overview of the waiver process in its various forms are provided. As well as a study conducted in Michigan pertaining to the use of prosecutorial waiver statutes. The aim of this paper is to review th e facts surrounding prosecutorial waivers and examine past and present reform methods for juvenile offenders. In addition, an examination of the intended goals of waiving juveniles to adult criminalRead MoreJuvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act1577 Words   |  7 Pagesattitudes towards the juvenile justice system and the social conditions it faces. Arguments will be presented to support the policy as well as arguments that were opposed to the passing of this it. The overall effect of the paper is to provide an overview of the issues surrounding the legislation and the importance of this act being passing for the betterment of the Juvenile Justice System. There are thousands of children that are caught up in the criminal justice system today. For the vast majorityRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Juvenile Crimes Essay1353 Words   |  6 PagesB. This program is focused on the theory of deterrence which is rooted in a problem-oriented policing, a highly focused law-enforcement approach that aims to assess, identify, and disrupt the underlying causes of chronic crime problems, by using methods beyond traditional police practice (Group Violence). C. Because of the GVRS, in New Orleans the homicide rate was 17.3 percent lower than homicide rate change in 14 comparison sites. (Group Violence). 1. The comparison sites were identified as 15Read MoreCapital Punishment and its Alternatives Essay examples852 Words   |  4 Pagesdeath row lawyer, â€Å"The reality is that capital punishment in America is a lottery. It is a punishment that is shaped by the constraints of poverty, race, geography and local politics. Alternatives for capital punishment are endless. Life without parole is one of the most common. However, the best alternative for capital punishment is one where no murder happened at all (Ted). 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Inmates are particularly at risk during the first 24 hr under custody as they face the reality of incarceration (Hayes, 1995). Many inmates, especially those first incarcerated for felony cases, embody a sense of fear, isolation, distrust for everyone, a lack of control, and shame which can lead to choosing suicide as a way to escape from it all. MentalRead MoreThe History of Boot Camps2332 Words   |  10 Pagesplatoon everywhere he goes such as to meals and to training. Orders must be obeyed instantly and personal liberty is almost nonexistent. By the end of boot camp the new private has become a different person. Such was the hope for boot camp, or shock incarceration, programs in American prisons: that young, nonviolent offenders could be diverted from a life outside the law using the same tactics successfully employed by the military to turn civilians into soldiers. This reliance o n a military atmosphere still

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Personal Statment Free Essays

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are? I have been playing keyboard for about five years, which I really enjoy, I got my keyboard lessons from Melody International School of Music. My music school has recitals each year for it’s students show what they have learned over the year. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Statment or any similar topic only for you Order Now After attending the music school for about two years, my Instructor told me that I was dead for my first recital, which I was really exited for, since I started attending the music school I have always wanted to perform on a stage and have an audience to Impress. But I didn’t know the preparation for the recital and the recital Itself would teach me a great life long lesson that I would need In life. It was December when my Instructor told me we were going to have our recital In about three months. He also told me that it was going to be a â€Å"bit† hard for me because I had to perform with al the students, at first I thought to myself he was just joking until he handed me a pile of paper, which were the notes of the songs the students choose to perform at the recital. At last he added I had three months to practice all one hundred and thirteen songs and to master them better than the performer, at that moment I felt so much pressure on myself, and so stressed out like the recital was tomorrow and I wasn’t ready. I did what every person would do, panic because this was my first recital, and I had to perform on stage for two hours. But I had no choice I got to work, I practiced everyday for more than two hours each day and in addition to that I had to go to music studios every Sunday to practice with all of the students. There where days that I Just gave up on myself and I felt like I sucked but I still kept practicing, with in a month I saw progress, I could play the notes very well but still need to work on it but most importantly I didn’t feel so bad about myself and there was less pressure on me. The three months passed so quick I felt I was sleep the whole time but I had been racketing and I had mastered all of the songs and I was ready to impress my audience. The recital was on March second, all of the students had to dress nice and professional, I wore a white shirt with black pants and black shoes. As my dad was driving me to the auditorium I felt so calm and relaxed because I knew that I was ready and I believe in myself and so did my Instructor. The guests started arriving slowly and by like thirty minutes the auditorium was full of people and the host stepped on to the stage and welcomed the guest and Introduced the Instructors and old to the audience that he wanted to Introduce a special person and at that moment I heard footsteps that were coming toward me and turned back and saw It was my Instructor witch came and grabbed me on my arm and told me to stand up and all of a sudden I heard my name over the speakers and he pulled me on to the stage and Introduced me to the audience and gave me a trophy, as the most valued musician at Melody International School of Music. I felt it was a dream, I could believe for her sit. The recital started and I was in a very good mood I performed very well ring the first session of the recital and the one half was remaining but I wasn’t worried about it. After the second half ended they handed each student a trophy and the host finished the program. When everything was finished I felt so blessed that everything went so smooth, and felt the pressure was off me when I got it the day my instructor told me about everything about the recital. Everyone was so proud of me, my parents, my instructor, my family member, even some of the audience member congratulated me, and my family and that’s was where I know I made my audience impressed. How to cite Personal Statment, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Integrated Information System Proposal of Auburn Wine Company

Question: Discuss about the Integrated Information System Proposal of Auburn Wine Company. Answer: Background and Introduction about AWC Auburn Wine Company is a company that is situated in Clare which is operated by three brothers as partnership established in 1994. The company is a winery shop that is privately owned and has a Cellar Door. The Cellar Door is used to make most of all the sales of Auburn Wine Company. In the year 200, the wine selling company started its selling of wine directly to all the customers and the local outlets. Two new shops of wineries were built in Barossa Valley and the other in Barmera. The capacity of the Auburn Wine company was also expanded from 255,000 barrels that was sold in 2002 to an amount of 990,000 barrels in 2004 which was expanded to a great extend. The company added more additional capacities in next ten years. The current capacity of barrels that are sold by Auburn Wine Company is near about 2,486,000 barrels. The shop that was opened in Barossa Valley was established in 2004 was very successful. A plat of glass bottle in Port Adelaide was built by the company in 2006 and also and adjoining warehouse was also built. The future plan of AWC (Auburn Wine Company) for next five to six years is to increase the capacity of the additional purchases of wine and by adding some additional capacity to all the wineries that already exited in the company. By 2020, the company plans to double its revenue size if all the plan goes well. Need for SAP The Auburn Wine Company is working for past twenty years and is the company is growing significantly. The initial setup for the Auburn Wine Company has already finished and the company is now focusing to streamline all the processes that are involved in company. It also enables a high rate growth of the company. As the services and branches of Auburn Wine Company were increasing tremendously, it was facing difficulties in managing the Information Technology (Powell 2013). So the company has identified the need of SAP as an Information Technology Tool that is very effective which serves the needs that are related to the processes and the systems. IT Improvements with SAP The software that is necessary which integrates the system of financial accounting which manages the internal accounting is the Data Action Software in the Auburn Wine Company. This software is used to manage the internal accounting, invoicing and billing to customers who has different outfalls. The software is not integrated with any other departments in Auburn Wine Company which provides low integrity of information and also increases the changes of errors (Hsu, Yen and Chung 2015). The settlements and the tracking of all the payments receipts are done manually for the customers. This decreases the accuracy and also the settlements are delayed of the accounts against all the payments. There is no integrated tracking of payments and receipts to vendors and customers were available in the system that existed in the Auburn Wine Company. By using the SAP, the company will be able to enable all the payments and receipts that are automatically done by the tool of SAP. The company does not have any international sales handling software which provides the company drawback in their expansion plan in future. The company is not able to keep a look on any of the international sales that were being expanded. But if the Auburn Wine Company uses the process of SAP, the company can keep an eye over all the activities that are done in the international sales and live tracking can be made by the marketing person and the sale force team of the company on their mobile phones or iPhones. This is done by Mobile SAP which enables to track the situation of the product and also control the inventory to give a tough competition in the market. The company also lacks the availability of the dunning procedure which delays the receipts of all settlement amounts. The company sends manual reminders to all its customers for the payments that are to be done. This drawback of the company can also be removed by using SAP. Sap enables automatic reminders for the due payments which will be sent to all the customers via fax or emails. The company has a procedure of net 30 terms of payment that are run by accounts of large customers or the resellers. A charge of about 5.5% interest is implemented to all the accounts of the customers or the resellers if there is a due amount which lasts for more than 21 days. The company also pays a discount of 2 percent if the payment is done within the seven days of the delivery. This procedure of the Auburn Wine Company performs all these calculations manually by a finance person who keeps all the track of the invoices that were created last month. After all the calculations are made, the discounts or interests that are implied on all the invoices are done through software of data action which is more time consuming and also requires more efforts by the finance person (Chang et al. 2015). When the company will implement SAP, all these works will be automatically done. An automatic report will be sent by system of SAP and will be delivered as fax or emails to the finance person th at includes all invoices that were created last month. The software tracks automatically all the interests that are to be implemented if there is a due for more than 21 days and after calculating all the interest, the amount invoices are sent to the customers or the resellers. The calculation of all the discount rates that are given by the company also calculated automatically if the payment is done within seven days. All the manual efforts and the tracking can be done in a automatized way in implementing Sap which helps the company to save time and the efforts of its employees. The inventory of raw materials which includes glass bottling plant is managed by the Pear tree software. This is separate software and does not integrate with other systems. To report any data related to bottle manufacturing are to be done manually which is extremely a difficult job to perform and requires skills to handle the Pear software. SAP can keep a track of such business processes that are held in the company related to all the raw materials. Using the SAP software does not need much skilled employee. Anyone can keep a track on the records using SAP software. SAP Implementation Process The methodology of SAP technology can be implemented through five phases. The five phases are as follows: Phase 1: Phase 1 is the Project Preparation phase. The main purpose of this phase is to do the planning initially and also prepares the implementation of the project that is being prepared. High level meeting is performed in this phase with all the team members to decide the scope of project, project phases and procedures of the project, the team members that are to be selected as core, standards of the projects and finally sets up the environment that is required to built a project. Phase 2: This involves the blueprint of the business. In this second phase of implementation, the project team comes to the company premises and understands the environment and the process of the business. The purpose of this phase is to achieve an understanding that is common for all the employees which informs the way about how to run the company business with SAP implementation. Detailed documentation of the preparation of all the results is gathered in the workshops. All the definition of the organization structure is also gathered in this phase. Definition of the organization change and the organization structure is performed in this phase of blueprint. Phase 3: This is the realization phase. The process of business requirements that are based on Blueprint of the Business SAP system is the purpose of this phase. All the testing and configuration of the system is included in this phase. The user assistance training is provided in this realization phase which implements team to all the user of the Auburn Wine Company. Phase 4: This is the final preparation phase. All the final preparation that includes testing, system management, activities of customer and end user training is done in final preparation phase (Chou et al. 2014). The open issues that are critical are served in this phase. A strategy plan is prepared in this phase which gives an idea about when to cut the legacy of the system and switches to SAP technology. All the details of when to take the inventory, invoicing and open deliveries are to be done. The shifting of master information from a legacy system to a SAP system is looked after in this system. If this phase is completed successfully, the company is ready to run the SAP technology in its business. Phase 5: This is the last phase of implementing SAP. All the phases mentioned above are the offline phase (Ram, Corkindale and Wu 2013). All the works that are project oriented and environment of pre production is taken to live in this go love and support phase. When this phase is completed, all the processes are ready to work that are decided in the scope of the project. Until the system of Sap does not gets stable, the legacy system must be kept running by the company because if some failure occurs, then the company will have to face a high risk. After the project is published live, a support team is provided by the project team to support all the users to be given by the company. The support team helps to resolve the issues that are related to Information Technology which works on SAP. SAP Business Suite uses applications The business suite of SAP is imposed of many applications of business software which allows the companies to execute and plan all the processes when they are saving the cost of operating on all the processes and also provides opportunities for the company to move to new businesses (Bernroider, Wong and Lai 2014). The Business Suite application of SAP is based on the platform of NetWeaver and also gives a support to the methods that are considered as best methods in all the processes of the business. The business suite also provides the business application that are integrated and all the functions from finance, assets management, product development, purchasing, marketing, production controlling and human resources. The integrated of applications that are consisted in the SAP Business Suite are as follows: Resource planning of the Company: It is necessary to get a sound foundation that is necessary for the company to get a hold in the marketplace. The ERP application of SAP gives the essential support for the companys processes and all the operations that are efficient and are also tailored to the particular needs of the company. Management of Customer Relationship: The Customer Relationship Management of Sap is better than any other CRM software that is available in the market. The CRM software of SAP that is a part of business suite helps to address the imperatives of shirt term, reduce the cost and also increase the ability of decision making. It also helps the company to achieve the capabilities that are differentiated in completing a long term project. Life Cycle Management of SAP Supplier: The management of Supplier Life Cycle is an approach to manage the relationship of the supplier. The supply base of the system is determined wholly with the suppliers. The lifecycle of the individual is covered in the continuous development of life cycle. Management of Supply Chain: The cost of increasing the customer service and the innovation and also the responsiveness is reduced by the supply chain management. The supply chain management of SAP enhances the collaboration, execution, coordination and planning of the supply network that empowers the supply chain management process to shift to competitive environment of ever changing. Management of Supplier Relationship: With the management of supplier relationship of SAP, the company can forecast and examine the purchasing behavior, works with their partners and shorten the procurement cycle in the real time process (Galy and Sauceda 2014). These processes allow the company to develop a relationship that last for long term with all the suppliers who proves them as reliable partners. 1.6 Utilization of Business Process re-engineering concept The Business Process Reengineering is a practice that enables to rethink and redesign the process of work that is to be done to support the mission of the company and also reduce the cost of the company (Sun, Ni and Lam 2015). The reengineering begins with high level assessment that deals with the mission of organization, customer needs and the strategic goals. By implementing the SAP in the company is to follow concept of all the reengineering process of business in the second phase. This helps the company to fit the gap of the process analysis and also improves and automates the processes in different departments to maximize the utilization of processes and resources. All the areas are covered that are not currently taken care of that includes the international sales which is ignored because there is a lack of enablement of the resources that are available in Information Technology area is very important in the expansion plan of the Auburn Wine Company. Training Change Management Process The change of the company can be managed by the change management strategy that ensures a transition that is smooth that runs in the organization. The management of change works on people relationships, processes and also system relationships (Ravasan and Mansouri 2014). The change management helps to ensure the change of business processes and also accepts using of new systems. There are three steps for an effective change management. Communication: It is an important change management because people do not accept what they do not understand. Progressive, frequent and early communication in the ERP system is manly implement that explains the change need. Stakeholder Analysis: The stakeholder analysis defines who will get affected by the implementation of ERP. The level of the improvement of all the stakeholder are analyzed and also determines the training amount that is required by the Stakeholders (Ram, Wu and Tagg 2014). The analysis helps the document responsibilities and roles of all the stakeholders. The disadvantages and the advantages of all the stakeholders are analyzed and their related job roles for the constructing of organization are analyzed. To make involvement is necessary in the stakeholder assessment so that all the training requirements are identified. End-User Training: To execute the ERP system, training must be provided by the company to all the employees to develop their knowledge and skills. Each process must have training so that the employees understand the process of the company very well. The process of training needs money, time and effort investment by the company. The training of end user provides the knowledge to the employees regarding the fundamentals of the software. Competitive advantage The competitive advantages that are provided by the SAP are as follows: Efficiency: The SAP ERP system discards all the processes that are repetitive and also reduces the need of entering information manually (Ahmad and Cuenca 2013). So it makes the company to streamline its process which helps as an advantage in the Competitive market. Forecasting: The forecasts tools that are needed to create the forecast is given by the SAP enterprise resource planning. The information that is provided by the SAP system is very accurate and makes the business to create realistic estimate. Collaboration: Collaboration in between the all the department of the company is very important to establish a market competition (Nour and Mouakket 2013). There should be collaboration in all the departments so that the data that is entered in the ERP system in a centralized way is consistent. References Nour, M.A. and Mouakket, S., 2013. A classification framework of critical success factors for ERP systems implementation: A multi-stakeholder perspective. InCompetition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems(pp. 98-113). IGI Global. Ahmad, M.M. and Cuenca, R.P., 2013. Critical success factors for ERP implementation in SMEs.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,29(3), pp.104-111. Ram, J., Wu, M.L. and Tagg, R., 2014. Competitive advantage from ERP projects: Examining the role of key implementation drivers.International Journal of Project Management,32(4), pp.663-675. Ravasan, A.Z. and Mansouri, T., 2014. A FCM-based dynamic modeling of ERP implementation critical failure factors.International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS),10(1), pp.32-52. Sun, H., Ni, W. and Lam, R., 2015. A step-by-step performance assessment and improvement method for ERP implementation: Action case studies in Chinese companies.Computers in Industry,68, pp.40-52. Galy, E. and Sauceda, M.J., 2014. Post-implementation practices of ERP systems and their relationship to financial performance.Information Management,51(3), pp.310-319. Bernroider, E.W., Wong, C.W. and Lai, K.H., 2014. From dynamic capabilities to ERP enabled business improvements: The mediating effect of the implementation project.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), pp.350-362. Ram, J., Corkindale, D. and Wu, M.L., 2013. Implementation critical success factors (CSFs) for ERP: Do they contribute to implementation success and post-implementation performance?.International Journal of Production Economics,144(1), pp.157-174. Chou, H.W., Chang, H.H., Lin, Y.H. and Chou, S.B., 2014. Drivers and effects of post-implementation learning on ERP usage.Computers in Human Behavior,35, pp.267-277. Powell, D., Alfnes, E., Strandhagen, J.O. and Dreyer, H., 2013. The concurrent application of lean production and ERP: Towards an ERP-based lean implementation process.Computers in Industry,64(3), pp.324-335. Hsu, P.F., Yen, H.R. and Chung, J.C., 2015. Assessing ERP post-implementation success at the individual level: Revisiting the role of service quality.Information Management,52(8), pp.925-942. Chang, B., Kuo, C., Wu, C.H. and Tzeng, G.H., 2015. Using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process to assess the risks in enterprise resource planning system implementation.Applied Soft Computing,28, pp.196-207.

Friday, November 29, 2019

She dwelt among the untrodden ways Essays - British Poetry

She dwelt among the untrodden ways William Wordsworth She dwelt among the untrodden ways -By William Wordsworth In the elegiac poem "She dwelt among the untrodden ways", by William Wordsworth, a sense of loss and grief is conveyed as the personal feelings of the poet are described to us. We are told throughout the poem of the poet's deep love for an unmarried woman named 'Lucy'. We are also told that she is unnoticed by all others, but him. The poet describes to us where Lucy 'dwelt', her beauty, his love for her and her 'death' in this poem. In the first stanza we are told that Lucy dwelt among the ' untrodden ways besides the springs of Dove'. This implies many meanings. Literally, it refers to where she lived. The phrase 'beside the springs of Dove' gives us an image of a fairly remote area, away from the city, closer to nature. It also tells us that she lived in isolation and solitude. The reason for this however is not clear; maybe she chose to live there or was forced by some circumstances to do so. Metaphorically , it could be referring to the deeper aspects of her life, such as what she did or who she was . And took her as the mossy stone, but the persona saw beyond what they could see and hence realized her true beauty, past her physical appearance and into her soul. The very fact that a violet is placed by a mossy stone means that people will fail to notice the beauty of the violet as it will be overshadowed by the sliminess of the mossy stone. To the persona however, Lucy was special and he was the only one who could see how beautiful she really was. Another interesting possibility is that maybe despite the fact that the persona loved Lucy so much, she got married to another man. Then the phrase 'a violet beside a mossy stone' will make more sense; as the poet still loves Lucy just as much and hence compares her to the violet, but looks down upon her husband and compares him to a 'mossy stone'. As we know, a mossy stone is very slimy and possibly the poet considers Lucy's husband to be no more that slime. The line 'Fair as a star, when only one is shining in the sky' sho ws what the persona thinks about her and this could imply that to him, she is a bright star shin ing in the dark black sky. To the fact that she got married to another man when the persona loved her so passionately. The fact that the poet mentions that 'she lived unknown and few could know' when Lucy died and the use of the phrase 'but she is in her grave' gives a very strong possibility that he was a 'secret admirer' or that not many people knew about their relationship and that was the reason why she lived 'unknown' and hence when Lucy got married, she practically 'died' for the persona, yet no one else could know. The phrase 'the difference to me' also tells us that since only the persona knew about Lucy's 'death' and no one else knew about their relationship, he was the only one affected and hence depressed by this. Even though the poem is very short and simple, a striking feature of the language used is its simplicity. The poet has used simple, everyday words, with short sentences, but is still able to create a very powerful and meaningful piece that truly reflects his feelings and portrays a huge sense of loss very effectively so that we as the readers can fully appreciate his true feelings and be able to see the passionate love that this man had for Lucy. In the first stanza, lines like, "none to praise," "very few to love," and the word " untrodden " tell the reader that Lucy was a nobody to everyone except the poet. In the second stanza, Wordsworth's aim is to show her innocence and beauty again. He uses two simple metaphors to emphasize these qualities. "A violet by a mossy stone" and "Fair as a star, when onlyone

Monday, November 25, 2019

No Uniforms!!! essays

No Uniforms!!! essays Schools should not make people wear uniforms. It would cause more trouble than good. Uniforms would also create a money problem. If the parents/students would be able to comply with all of the above I am sure the students would be reluctant to give up their individuality. Having uniforms in schools would cause a lot of trouble. There would be strikes, sit-ins, maybe even boycotting of the school. (If their parents were involved. Which in Newberry I think there would be some parents in the protests). If not all these things, there would be a problem with identity. For example, if a student committed a crime on school campus and a person trying to report the crime to the police the conversation would go something like this, What did he look like said the police. Well I dont know I didnt see his face said the victim. What did he have on,asked police. A Polo shirt and black pants, replied the victim etc... You would also have a problem with the cost. The parents may not be able to afford them. People have different pay checks than the school board. What the school board thinks is cheap may not be cheap to some low income families that cant afford the expensive clothes that school uniforms often call for. Did you know that 90% of some elementary schools in Newberry have free or reduced lunch. Those parents who can not afford to pay for lunch most definitely cant pay for school uniforms. The individuality of the students is important to the students as well as their parents. The students dont want to walk around like mindless drones going around school from class to class without their being different. They all ready feel locked up. Why make them feel any more uncomfortable. Parents dont want to send their kids off to school being just like everyone else they dont want the schools boards kids they ...

Friday, November 22, 2019


WEEK3 - INTL 6000 - CLASSMATE PAPER CRITIC PAPER - Assignment Example However, it would have been better also leading off with the aid given to the Free Syrian Army, which has fuelled the conflict even more and made peace even more difficult to attain (Daily Mail.com 1). The literature review also discusses the issue that the different author’s have formulated and briefly, talks about the author’s research orientation. However, it would have been better if the writer had commented on whether the author’s problem statement was clearly defined and whether the author had clearly established the relevance of the study to the issue within his literature review. However, the writer does indicate the specific problem and thesis that the author seeks to discuss in their research articles. For example, while discussing the article Intervention and Democracy by Bruno & George, the writer indicates that the authors are discussing the types of interventions that the United States should pursue in the conflict as a third party to achieve democracy in the region. The fact that the results are not new or surprising should have led the writer to comment on ways that the authors would have approached their problem or thesis differently. For exam ple, it would have been better if the writer had used the US’s threat of â€Å"consequences† if the Syrian government did not respect the wills of its people and used chemical weapons (Williams 1). The transition between different authors and articles covered in the literature review is well done. However, while the writer does cover some of the research designs and methodologies used in some studies, it is not done for most of the studies. The writer could also have indicated if the material had been written to appeal to the reader’s emotions, rhetorical, or one sided. For instance, it is clear that Gordon Hahn’s article Russia in 2012: from Thaw and Reset to Freeze is biased against the role of Russia in the conflict. The role played by President Putin, which is different from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teaching Document Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teaching Document - Essay Example The other chemicals used include: alpha amylase enzyme, gluco-amylase enzyme and carbon which is used in the adsorbers as a decolorizer. The process occurs in five main stages; two hydrolysis processes that convert about 100% of the starch in the slurry into glucose and three evaporation processes to dry up the glucose. The starch slurry first flows into the first hydrolyser, R1, which converts 25% of the starch into glucose using alpha-amylase enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis process. After the first hydrolysis process, the viscosity of the slurry is reduced, and the slurry is then passed through a centrifuge, PS-1, which removes any proteins and oils present. The slurry is then passed through the second hydrolyser, R-2, which completes the hydrolysis process using the gluco-amylase enzyme that leads to the overall conversion of starch to glucose to almost 100%. The viscosity reduction of the slurry after the first hydrolysis process ensures proper mixing with the gluco-amylase and prevents the formation of unhydrolyzable gelatinous material in the second hydrolyser. After the second process of hydrolysis, the slurry is decolorizes in an adsorber, CS-1, parked with carbon (Silla 23). After the conversion of starch to glucose the rest of the process dehydrates the glucose. A dry product is then obtained using the process of evaporation. The glucose solution is pumped into the first stage of evaporation where a portion of the water is removed. To conserve energy (heat), the first stage of evaporation uses mechanical re-compression of the vapor evolved and since glucose is heat sensitive the process is conducted in a vacuum produced by a vacuum pump, C-1. The first evaporation stage is carried out in two steps; in the first step, energy is transferred to the solution in the boiler to evaporate some water concentrating the glucose. In the next step vapor and liquid are separated in a phase separator. After the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Contributions of Satirical Graphic Novels to the quality of Primary Essay

Contributions of Satirical Graphic Novels to the quality of Primary Education in the US - Essay Example This prompts the use of learning and teaching materials that are easy to understand given that these children can easily be distracted. One such example of educating material that makes up the content of primary school education is the use of satirical graphic novels that use wit and irony to bring out the real nature of a topic. Satirical graphic novels, among other graphic novels, have an aspect of encouraging the reader to keep on reading so as to grasp the intended meaning. However, not all agree to the use of these novels in educating children and think that they might have negative impacts on their leaning. This paper examines the various ways through which satirical graphic novels contribute positively to the quality of primary education in the US. The use of satirical graphic novels in primary education tremendously contributes to the understanding capacity of the children. Before looking at the ways in which satirical graphic novels contribute to the quality of primary education, we should first look at how they came into use in the education system. Historically, the use of satirical graphic novels in primary education has been a controversial issue with some people trying to contraindicate their advantages. Satirical graphic novels came to being through writers who wanted to use them to address some topics in education, especially primary education. Will Eisner produced the first satirical graphic novel in 1978, titled â€Å"Contract with God and Other Tenement Stories† (Schwartz 197). This novel represented the first graphic novel to be extensively used in primary education after discovery of the values of its use. It became widespread in primary schools, in the U.S. Satirical graphic novels have continued to gain p opularity in the past 25 years, in their use, in the primary educational system. These novels can be used in the teaching of all subjects through the incorporation of the desired information into graphics mode. This incorporation of satirical graphic novels into primary education in the United States over the years has led to disregarding of the mode by some researchers that deem it as destructive to education (Brown 65). However, the educational system came up with different levels according to the age difference and the developmental requirements of children so as to incorporate the use of graphic novels. The difference in age also represents the differences in level of understanding. As such, there is a proposition that the younger populations comprehend better in easy words and pictures, thus encouraging the use of graphic novels (Schwartz 197). On the contrary, there are a few individuals, who insist that these satirical graphic novels have made primary school children less att racted and conversant with pure reading of scripts and books. As a result of this, they advise and advocate their removal from the education system in the United States’ primary educational system. However, in this paper, I will base my focus on outlining the various ways that satirical graphic novels positively contribute to the quality of primary education. In contrast with some previous researcher’s views of the damaging effects of satirical graphic novels in primary education, there are many ways through which satirical graphic novels have values in primary education. This paper hopes to highlight the use and contribution of satirical graphic novels to primary education in the United States today. In doing so, it discusses the various aspects within satirical graphic novels that can be applied to children’s learning in primary education, as well as the various subjects in which they apply to and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Functional Groups of Lisinopril

Functional Groups of Lisinopril The IR spectra of pure showed peaks at which are consistent with the presence of the functional groups of lisinopril (Fig.no.12) Furthermore, the calibration curve of lisinopril obeyed Beers law in the range of 10-60 g/ml (Fig.no.11) An IR spectrum of the drug-polymer (methylcellulose) mixture was taken to study and check the drug- polymer interaction. The spectrum revealed that not much interaction between the drug and polymer (Fig.no.13). In TLC studies, the prepared lisinopril microspheres (M4, M7) showed (Table.no.9) the same Rf (0.5512, 0.5769) value as pure compound (0.5897) and no additional spots were detected. TLC studies (Fig.no15) thus indicated no interaction between lisinopril and polymer (methylcellulose) in the floating microspheres prepared. This observation also indicated that lisinopril was not decomposing during the preparation of floating microspheres. Differential Scanning Colorimetry: The thermal behavior of floating microspheres of lisinopril was studying using DSC are shown in (Fig no.16). The DSC thermogram of pure drug lisinopril exhibited an exothermic peak at corresponding to its melting point. For formulation (M7) this peaks are at respectively. The characteristic exothermic peak is slightly shifted to lower temperature, indicating that there is no interaction between drug and carrier. Percentage yield: Percentage yield of different batches of the prepared floating microspheres were determined by weighing the floating microspheres after drying. All batches of methylcellulose floating microspheres showed a percentage yield of greater than 75%, the percentage yields of all the prepared formulations (M1-M9) were in the range of 76.8 to 92.16% (Table.no.11). Percentage yield is found to be higher with formulation M7 (92.16%). Scanning Electron Microscopy: The surface morphology of the prepared floating microsphere (M7) was shown to be spherical by the SEM photography (Fig.no.19). Particle size analysis: The particle size analysis was carried out using an optical microscope. The arithmetic mean particle size of the methylcellulose floating microspheres significantly increased with increasing polymer concentration were shown in (Table.no.18).The particle size distribution of the methylcellulose floating microspheres ranged between 163.125 to 252.375Â µm. Micromeritic properties of the floating microspheres 61 The various micromeritic properties of the prepared floating microspheres were studied. Acceptable range of angle of repose is between 20ÃŽ ¿-40ÃŽ ¿ and angle of repose for methylcellulose floating microspheres (M1-M9) was between 24.44 to 35.53ÃŽ ¿ (Table no. ), thus indicating good flow property for methylcellulose floating microspheres. Acceptable range of Hausners ratio is up to 1.25 and Hausners ratio for methylcellulose floating microspheres(M1-M9) was between 1.085 to 1.181(Table.no.21) ,all the prepared floating microspheres had a value less than 1.25 thereby exhibiting good flow properties. Acceptable range of Carr,s index (%)is up to 5-21%, and carrs index for methylcellulose floating microspheres(M1-M9) was between 7.910 to 15.379 % (Table.no.21) all the formulations showed an Carr,s index (%) less than 16% and hence had a flow properties. Percentage drug content of the floating microspheres The percentage drug content of different batches of floating microspheres was found in the range of 55.33 to 88%.All batches of the methylcellulose floating microspheres formulation shown percentage drug content more than 55% (Table no.23) and it is found that percentage drug content increases with an increase in the polymer concentration (except M2,M6). Formulation M5 has shown maximum percentage drug content (88.0%). Buoyancy percentage: (Floating ability) The buoyancy test was carried out to investigate the buoyancy percentage (floating ability) of the prepared methylcellulose floating microspheres. The buoyancy percentage of the different batches of floating microspheres was found in the range of 48.0 to 85.0% at the end of 12 hrs (Table.no.25). All the formulated floating microspheres of lisinopril showed buoyancy (floating ability) more than 48%. Amongst the batches of prepared methylcellulose floating microspheres, batch M5 showed highest buoyancy (85%). Floating ability of different formulations was found to be differed according to the increase polymer concentration and it is found that percentage of buoyancy increases with an increase in the amount of polymer. In-vitro release studies Lisinopril release from the all formulated floating microspheres were studied in SGF (0.1N HCl) for 12 hrs.The floating microspheres showed sustained release of the lisinopril (drug) in acidic environment and the drug release was found to be approximately linear (fig no. ). The drug release from methylcellulose floating microspheres was found to be 82.35, 78.75, 74.25, 71.55, 66.15, 83.70, 90.45, 94.5 and 97.65% at the end of 12 h for M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8 and M9 respectively (Table.no.27). The sustained release pattern was observed for the prepared floating microspheres (M1-M9) clearly exhibiting an increase in the polymer concentration results decrease in-vitro drug release of lisinopril. Amongst the batches of prepared methylcellulose floating microspheres, batch M5 showed higher drug entrapment efficiency 88.0% and the minimal in-vitro drug release 66.15% at the end of the 12 hrs with compared to the other prepared methylcellulose floating microspheres. Drug release kinetics The results for the mathematic modeling of the in-vitro drug release data for the methylcellulose floating microspheres have been complied and the R2 values shown in the table no. The in-vitro drug release profile for the formulations M1-M9 were subjected to various drug release kinetic studies and are depicted in the following figures. (Fig.no.30-38) The release profile for the formulations M1-M9 exhibiting a maximum R2 values (0.9613, 0.9421, 0.9386, 0.9446, 0.9382, 0.9546, 0.9520, 0.9599 and 0.9660) was found to obey that particular kinetics. From the results it is apparent that the regression coefficient value closer to unity as in the case of the Zero orders plots. The Zero order plots of different formulation were found to be fairly linear, as indicated by their high regression values. Thus, it seems that drug release from the floating microspheres followed Zero order kinetics. The data indicates a lesser amount of linearity when plotted by the First order equation. Hence it can be concluded that the major mechanism of drug release follows Zero order kinetics. Further, the conversion of the data from the dissolution studies suggested possibility of understanding the mechanism of drug release by configuring the data into various mathematical modeling such as Higuchis and Korsemeyers -peppas plots. The mass transfer with respect to square root of time has been plotted, revealed a linear graph with regression value close to one stating that the release from the matrix was through diffusion. Data based on the Higuchi model usually provide a evidence to the diffusion mechanism of drug release from matrix systems such as the methylcellulose floating microspheres developed in this work. R2 values based on the Higuchis model ranged from 0.8882, 0.8578, 0.8507, 0.8603, 0.8542, 0.8773, 0.8708, 0.8858 and 0.8978. (Table.no.29). As these values were close to 1.0, the drug release mechanism of the developed floating microspheres can be said to be Higuchian and, therefore, matrix diffusion-controlled. CHITOSAN FLOATING MICROSPHERES IR Spectra of chitosan floating microspheres An IR spectrum of the drug-polymer (chitosan) mixture was taken to study and check the drug- polymer interaction. The spectrum revealed that not much interaction between the drug and polymer (Fig.no.14). Thin Layer Chromatography: In TLC studies, the prepared lisinopril microspheres (C4, C7) showed the same Rf (0.5384, 0.5000) value as pure compound (0.5897) and no additional spots were detected(Fig.no.15). TLC studies thus indicated no interaction between lisinopril and polymer (chitosan) in the floating microspheres prepared. This observation also indicated that lisinopril was not decomposing during the preparation of floating microspheres. Differential Scanning Colorimetry: The thermal behavior of floating microspheres of lisinopril was studying using DSC are shown in Fig.no.17. The DSC thermogram of pure drug lisinopril exhibited an exothermic peak at corresponding to its melting point. For formulation (C7) this peaks are at respectively. The characteristic exothermic peak is slightly shifted to lower temperature, indicating that there is no interaction between drug and carrier. Percentage yield: Percentage yield of different batches of the prepared floating microspheres were determined by weighing the floating microspheres after drying. All batches of methylcellulose floating microspheres showed a percentage yield of greater than 75%, The percentage yields of all the prepared formulations (C1-C9) were in the range of 78.0 -93.66% (Table.no.12). Percentage yield is found to be higher with formulation C7 (93.66%). Scanning Electron Microscopy: The surface morphology of the prepared floating microsphere (C7) was shown to be spherical by the SEM photography (Fig.no.20). Particle size analysis: The particle size analysis was carried out using an optical microscope. The arithmetic mean particle size of floating microspheres significantly increased with increasing polymer concentration were shown in Table. No. 19. The particle size distribution of the chitosan floating microspheres ranged between 32.50 to 55.80Â µm. Micromeritic properties of the floating microspheres 61 The various micromeritic properties of the prepared floating microspheres were studied. Acceptable range of angle of repose is between 20ÃŽ ¿-40ÃŽ ¿ and angle of repose for chitosan floating microspheres (C1-C9) was between 19.02 to 23.49ÃŽ ¿ (Table.no.22), thus indicating good flow property for chitosan floating microspheres. Acceptable range of Hausners ratio is up to 1.25 and Hausners ratio for chitosan floating microspheres(C1-C9) was between 1.100 to 1.230 (Table.no.22) ,all the prepared floating microspheres had a value less than 1.25 thereby exhibiting good flow properties. Acceptable range of Carr,s index (%)is up to 5-21%, and carrs index for chitosan floating microspheres(C1-C9) was between 9.090 to 18.746% (Table.no.22) all the formulations showed an Carr,s index (%) less than 18% and hence had a flow properties. Percentage drug content of the floating microspheres The percentage drug content of different batches of floating microspheres was found in the range of 50.66 to 88.0%.All batches of the chitosan floating microspheres formulation shown percentage drug content more than 50% (Table.no.24) and it is found that percentage drug content increases with an increase in the polymer concentration. Formulation C5 shown maximum percentage drug content (88.0%). Buoyancy percentage: (Floating ability) The buoyancy test was carried out to investigate the buoyancy percentage (floating ability) of the prepared chitosan floating microspheres. The buoyancy percentage of the different batches of floating microspheres was found in the range of 46.0 to 82.0% at the end of 12 hrs (Table.no.26). All the formulated floating microspheres of lisinopril showed buoyancy (floating ability) more than 46%. Amongst the batches of prepared chitosan floating microspheres, batch C5 showed highest buoyancy (85%). Floating ability of different formulations was found to be differed according to the increase polymer concentration and it is found that percentage of buoyancy increases with an increase in the amount of polymer. In-vitro release studies Lisinopril releases from the all formulated floating microspheres were studied in SGF (0.1N HCl) for 12 hrs.The floating microspheres showed sustained release of the lisinopril (drug) in acidic environment and the drug release was found to be approximately linear (Fig.no.29). The drug release from chitosan floating microspheres was found to be 66.6, 61.65, 58.95, 57.15, 52.2, 69.3, 71.55, 74.7 and 78.75% at the end of 12 h for C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8 and C9 respectively (Table.no.28). The sustained release pattern was observed for the prepared floating microspheres (C1-C9) clearly exhibiting an increase in the polymer concentration results decrease in-vitro drug release of lisinopril. Amongst the batches of prepared chitosan floating microspheres, batch C5 showed higher drug entrapment efficiency 88.0% and the minimal in-vitro drug release 52.2% at the end of the 12 hrs with compared to the other prepared chitosan floating microspheres. Drug release kinetics The results for the mathematic modeling of the in-vitro drug release data for the methylcellulose floating microspheres have been complied and the R2 values shown in the table no. The in-vitro drug release profile for the formulations C1-C9 were subjected to various drug release kinetic studies and are depicted in the following figures. (Fig.no.39-47) The release profile for the formulations C1-C9 exhibiting a maximum R2 values (0.9834, 0.9646, 0.9556, 0.9244, 0.9305, 0.9656, 0.9655, 0.9646, and 0.9759) were found to obey that particular kinetics. From the results it is apparent that the regression coefficient value closer to unity as in the case of the Zero orders plots. The Zero order plots of different formulation were found to be fairly linear, as indicated by their high regression values .Thus, it seems that drug release from the floating microspheres followed Zero order kinetics. The data indicates a lesser amount of linearity when plotted by the First order equation. Hence it can be concluded that the major mechanism of drug release follows Zero order kinetics. Further, the conversion of the data from the dissolution studies suggested possibility of understanding the mechanism of drug release by configuring the data into various mathematical modeling such as Higuchis and Korsemeyers -peppas plots. The mass transfer with respect to square root of time has been plotted, revealed a linear graph with regression value close to one stating that the release from the matrix was through diffusion. Data based on the Higuchi model usually provide a evidence to the diffusion mechanism of drug release from matrix systems such as the chitosan floating microspheres developed in this work. R2 values based on the Higuchis model ranged from 0.9238, 0.8905, 0.8751, 0.8295, 0.8392, 0.8955, 0.8993, 0.8986 and 0.9236. (Table.no.30). As these values were close to 1.0, the drug release mechanism of the developed floating microspheres can be said to be Higuchian and, therefore, matrix diffusion-controlled.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Emilia, A Heroine of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello essays

Emilia, A Heroine of Shakespeare's Othello   Ã‚   Shakespeare, in his tragedy Othello, presents a minor character who does great things in the final act. Her character is deserving of analysis. Kenneth Muir, in the Introduction to William Shakespeare: Othello,   explains the motivation of Emilia through most of the play: Emilia’s character, too, is determined by the plot. In the source, the villain’s wife is privy to the nefarious designs. Shakespeare wisely makes her, like the other characters, ignorant of Iago’s character. She knows that she has lost his love, and her unhappy marriage drives her to cynicism about sex; but she tries to win back her husband’s affections by carrying out his wishes, even when this involves betrayal of the mistress she loves. (41) A.C. Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, defines the character of the ancient’s wife: Few of Shakespeare’s minor characters are more distinct than Emilia, and towards few do our feelings change so much within the course of the play. Till close to the end she frequently sets one’s tooth on edge; and at the end one is ready to worship her. She nowhere shows any sign of having a bad heart; but she is common, sometimes vulgar, in minor matters far from scrupulous, blunt in perception and feeling, and quite destitute of imagination. She let Iago take the handkerchief though she knew how much its loss would distress Desdemona; and she said nothing about it though she saw that Othello was jealous. (222) Emilia is not mentioned in the play until the initial furor of the first two scenes subsides. Brabantio’s rage, among other reasons, necessitate that Desdemona live with Iago and Emilia during the Moor’s campaign in Cyprus against... ...g murder: â€Å"And your reports have set the murder on.† Emilia is aware that she is violating social convention here: â€Å"’Tis proper I obey him, but not now.† This violation costs her dearly. Emilia’s stunning interrogation and conviction of her own husband as the evil mastermind behind the murder results in Iago’s killing her. She becomes a martyr for the cause of truth and justice. Quite suddenly she is transformed into a heroine of the play! WORKS CITED Bayley, John. Shakespeare and Tragedy. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1981. Bradley, A. C.. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York: Penguin, 1991. Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. http://www.eiu.edu/~multilit/studyabroad/othello/othello_all.html No line nos.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Macbeth Analysis Essay

How is one able to control his or her emotions when the surrounding environment is influencing one personally? Lady Macbeth finds the answer to this simple; impossible. Lady Macbeth continues to be controlled by others subconsciously whether it is through her own control, other actions or pure guilt. The actions of characters and events that occur in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth affect the life and mental wellness of Lady Macbeth directly and cause her to digress from dominant to voyeur, and then finally to victim, causing the play to be more enticing. To start, Lady Macbeth is a dominant, deceiving and determined woman. For example, Lady Macbeth’s dominance and control are shown when she and Macbeth are discussing the plan for King Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"Your hand, your tongue; look like th’innocent flower,/ But be the serpent under’t.† (1.5.64-65). Lady Macbeth’s control is revealed when she says this because she is openly manipulating Macbeth and telling him how to act and what to do. Also, Lady Macbeth’s dominance is shown while she and Macbeth discuss the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"We fail?/ But screw your courage to the sticking-place† (1.7.59-60). When Lady Macbeth says this she shows the audience that she is able to overpower her husband’s courage with her own. Another example of Lady Macbeth’s persona is when she uses her ability to deceive while talking with Duncan upon his arrival to her castle. Lady Macbeth says to Duncan, â€Å"All our service,/ In every point twice done then done double† (1.6.16-17). Her deception is proved when she says this because she is acting like a pleasant host to Duncan’s face but her motives are much less than pleasant. The deception Lady Macbeth shows while talking to Duncan is successful when Duncan falls for it with no suspicion. This is proved when Duncan says, â€Å"Give me your hand;/ Conduct me to mine host: we love him highly/ and shall continue our graces towards him./ By your leave hostess.† Duncan allowing Lady Macbeth to hold his hand indicates that he has a trust in her and does not have a doubt upon the person he see Lady Macbeth as and has no idea about the motives of his host and hostess. Lady Macbeth is able to use her deceptive abilities after the murder of Duncan is committed. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"[Her] hands are of [his] colour, but [she] shame[s] to wear a heart so white.† (2.2.62-68). This quotation means that Lady Macbeth still bares the innocence she had before the deed to the eye of others, hence, having a heart so white. This proven to be true because everyone looks at Lady Macbeth as innocent and pure, as if she could do no harm, but the truth is the total opposite. Also, Lady Macbeth’s determination shows through when she calls upon the dark spirits to give her the courage and strength of a male figure and to relieve her of the womanly kindness she possesses. Lady Macbeth asks for this by saying, â€Å"Come you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here/ And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull/ Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood† (1.5.39-42). The determination of Lady Macbeth is shown in this quote because she is doing something as drastic as calling upon the dark spirits to assist her in committing murder. As a result, Lady Macbeth’s dominating personality is able to pursue to her plan of murdering King Duncan successfully, without resistance from her husband. Secondly, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s roles switch, leaving Lady Macbeth standing off, with less control and becoming more of a voyeur to the plans of Macbeth. To start, Lady Macbeth is first being stripped of her control right after Duncan’s death is discovered and Macbeth has killed the guard in order to remove suspicion from him. The audience is aware of this deed when Macbeth says, â€Å"O, yet I do repent me of my fury/ That I did kill them.† (2.3.102-103). Lady Macbeth begins to lose control over this because she had no idea or warning of Macbeth’s killing of the guards. This act also takes a toll on Lady Macbeth’s physical state when it causes her to faint. Lady Macbeth fainting is a sure sign of her losing the control she had earlier because not only are other characters leaving her out but also, her own body is causing her to be in that state as well. Next, Macbeth kills Banquo upon his intuition that Banquo has suspicion towards him in the case of Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth was ill-informed on this matter which is yet another sign that she is losing control over the characters that she had control over previously and is now watching the action happen. Also, at a dinner, which Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were hosting together, Lady Macbeth first could not get Macbeth the welcome his guests. This is proved when Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth, â€Å"My royal lord,/ You do not give the cheer; the feast is sold/ That is not often vouch’d while ‘tis a-making ,/ ‘Tis given with welcome. (3.4.33-36). She (Lady Macbeth) als o loses more control over Macbeth at this dinner when she is unable to calm him down when he sees the ghosts of Banquo and Duncan. In this situation Lady Macbeth attempts to gain some control by saying to him, â€Å"You have displac’d the mirth, broke the good meeting/ With most admir’d disorder.† (3.4.109-110). The acting-out of Macbeth leaves Lady Macbeth both astonished and over powered. These two instances especially show Lady Macbeth losing control over, not only situations but other characters themselves. Lastly, Macbeth kills Macduff’s wife and children upon suspicion without Lady Macbeth’s push or permission and neglects to inform her of the deed directly and chooses just to imply it during conversation with her. As the two (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) are talking Macbeth says, â€Å"Come, we’ll to sleep. My strange and self-abuse/ Is the initiate fear that wants hard use;/ We are yet but young in deed.†(3.4.143-144). When Macbeth says this it has the implication of the commitment of another foul deed which Lady Macbeth is only aware of at this point. Macbeth’s drastic actions cause Lady Macbeth to fall uncontrollably uninformed and into the background. Finally, Lady Macbeth ends the play being dominated by her feelings of guilt and the consequences of Duncan’s murder and ultimately becomes a victim to it. To start, Lady Macbeth begins to sleep walk and admits her affiliation in Duncan’s murder. Proof of Lady Macbeth’s sleep walking is proved when the Gentlewoman (a spectator of the situation) says, â€Å"Ay, but their senses are shut.† (5.1.23). She says this after the doctor (the second spectator of the situation) mentions that Lady Macbeth has her eyes open. The Gentlewoman’s line lets the audience know she is indeed sleep walking for her eyes may be open but there sense is disabled. Also in this scene Lady Macbeth’s self control is shown to have weakened further, when she speaks of Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"Out, dammed spot! Out, I say! One, two. Why then ‘tis/ time to do’t. Hell is murky, Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier,/ and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when/ none can call our power to account? Yet who would/ have thought the man to have had so much blood/ in him?† (5.1.31-36) and also when she says, â€Å"The Thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now? What,/ will these hands ne’re be clean?† (5.1.38-39). These quotes both prove that she knew and was involved in the murders of Duncan and Macduff’s family and shows that these events are the reason for her stress, guilt and sleep walking, hence being dominated/ being victim to these emotions. Next, Lady Macbeth is being dominated by her feelings of guilt when she is seen washing her hand continuously during her sleep walking. While she is doing this she says, â€Å"Here’s the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of/ Arabia will not sweeten this litt le hand. O, O, O.† (5.1.44-45). This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is overcome by her guilt because she mentally imagines the blood still being there, following her, her mind lets her believe she is still covered in the blood when in reality the blood is just representing the guilt she is feeling. A second example of Lady Macbeth being dominated by her guilt symbolically is when she is dreaming of/ replaying the scene in while sleep walking. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"To bed, to bed; there’s knocking at the gate. Come,/ come, come, come, give me your hand; what’s done/ cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed.† (5.1.58-60). This quote directly shows the audience that it is indeed the murder of Duncan which Lady Macbeth is stressing over as it is a deed which â€Å"cannot be undone†. Lastly, Lady Macbeth shows that she is becoming victim to the outcome of events, and more directly herself when she commits suicide. The audience discovers her death when Seyton (another Thane) informs Macbeth of the incident. Seyton says, â€Å"The queen, my lord, is dead.† (5.5.16). Lady Macbeth becomes victim to herself in the way that she sees the only option to relieve her of her painful emotions is to kill herself. Therefore, Lady Macbeth is ultimately dominated and falls victim to the guilt she feels caused by the actions of herself and others. To conclude, the mental state and physical well-being of Lady Macbeth is influenced by the dominance and control of both herself and other characters in the play. Lady Macbeth went from being dominant, deceiving, and determined to being uninformed during the murders Macbeth commits to being over some by her emotions that had built up inside her during all of this. Therefore, Lady Macbeth’s life as the audience knows it is dependable on the outcome of events that Lady Macbeth herself is involved in and/ or witnesses. Temptation was the base of all Lady Macbeth’s problems; it is said â€Å"temptation is the Devil.† What would you risk to get what you want?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Purchasing Power Parity

Purchasing Power Parity Ever wondered why the value of 1 American dollar is different from 1 Euro? The economic theory of  purchasing power parity (PPP) will help you understand why different currencies have different purchasing powers and how exchange rates are set.   What Purchasing Power Parity Is The Dictionary of Economics  defines purchasing power parity  (PPP) as a theory which states that the exchange rate between one currency and another is in equilibrium when their domestic purchasing powers at that rate of exchange are equivalent. Example of 1 for 1 Exchange Rate How does inflation in 2 countries affect the exchange rates between the 2  countries? Using this definition of purchasing power parity, we can show the link between inflation and exchange rates. To illustrate the link, lets imagine 2 fictional countries: Mikeland and Coffeeville. Suppose that on January 1st, 2004, the prices for every good in each country is identical. Thus, a football that costs 20 Mikeland Dollars in Mikeland costs 20 Coffeeville Pesos in Coffeeville. If purchasing  power parity holds, then 1 Mikeland Dollar must be worth 1 Coffeeville Peso. Otherwise, there is the chance of making a risk-free profit by buying footballs in one market and selling in the other. So here PPP requires a 1 for 1 exchange rate. Example of Different Exchange Rates Now lets suppose Coffeyville has a 50% inflation rate whereas Mikeland has no inflation whatsoever. If the inflation in Coffeeville impacts every good equally, then the price of footballs in Coffeeville will be 30 Coffeeville Pesos on January 1, 2005. Since there is zero inflation in Mikeland, the price of footballs will still be 20 Mikeland Dollars on Jan 1, 2005. If purchasing power parity holds and one cannot make money from buying footballs in one country and selling them in the other, then 30 Coffeeville Pesos must now be worth 20 Mikeland Dollars. If 30 Pesos 20 Dollars, then 1.5 Pesos must equal 1 Dollar. Thus the Peso-to-Dollar exchange rate is 1.5, meaning that it costs 1.5 Coffeeville Pesos to purchase 1 Mikeland Dollar on foreign exchange markets. Rates of Inflation and Currency Value If 2 countries have different rates of inflation, then the relative prices of goods in the 2 countries, such as footballs, will change. The relative price of goods is linked to the exchange rate through the theory of purchasing  power parity. As illustrated,  PPP tells us that if a country has a relatively high inflation rate, then the value of its currency should decline.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Pillsbury Challenge Essays

Pillsbury Challenge Essays Pillsbury Challenge Paper Pillsbury Challenge Paper The Canadian Pillsbury ready-baked goods cookie line is experiencing disappointing performance, and the marketing manager at General Mills Canada Corporation is under pressure to make strategic decisions that will help turn around the segment. The marketing manager has engaged the help of the consumer insights team to conduct market research studies that will shed light on consumers and their attitudes, behaviors, and preferences towards the product. The goal is to understand how marketers can make better decisions, based on different types of consumer research, show how the relevant customer insights can help to determine strategies and explore the ways to improve business performance. Its that we are going to explain during this study. Firstly, we will see the company overview, then the consumer insights and their implications (the key learning) and to finish, we will do some recommendations for the Pillsbury Cookie Challenge. One of the worlds leading food companies, General Mills operates in more Han 1 00 countries and markets more than 100 consumer brands, such as Hypoxia, Pillsbury, Hagen-Dads, Nature Valley, Green Giant, and more. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the company operates in three segments: IIS Retail, International and F-DOD service. Representing 69 per cent of total sales, the US Retail segment is the largest of the three. General Mills Canada Corporation (CM) is a subsidiary of General Mills. With annual sales of IIS$ 566 million, CM is a leader in the Canadian packaged foods market and the second largest division within the International segments. The Canadian division is split into four business units: breakfast, baked goods, meals and snacks. Part of the General Mills portfolio, the Pillsbury brand is the leader in the refrigerated baked goods category with a full range of products, including cookies, biscuits, breads, pizza and pie crusts, sweet rolls The Pillsbury refrigerated cookies is available in multiple flavors and two aromas (chub and ready-to-bake), with seasonal cookie special for Halloween, Easter, Valentines Day and Christmas. The cookies are sold between $2. 99 and 34. 99, according to the cookie format, the type of retailer and the region. The RUG products can be buy in all major grocery retailers such as Metro, Lobar, Sobers and club stores in Canada. About the marketing strategy, there is not a strategy specific to the Canadian market. Indeed, its the US advertising, which is adapted to the Canadian market, for example. In terms of the market, Pillsbury was the most profitable segment of General Mills Canada, with refrigerated cookie dough owning 62% of ready-baked- goods sales and yielding 75% category profit. Pillsbury held 85% of the market share and Was carried by all major Canadian retailers. However, volume growth, household penetration, and cookie segment growth were all flat. THE RUB COOKIES SOOT How the RUB cookies category is on the market? How to better take into account its weaknesses and threats? Here, we are going to draw up a SOOT analysis in order to better sharpen our recommendations, and thus, solve the problem raised by this case. In order to find some solutions for the Pillsbury challenge, its interesting to have an overview about the Pillsbury cookies weaknesses, strength, opportunities and threat. The goal is to take into account the opportunities and strength of the product and to spread out it. Contrary to that, we will do suggestions, which both resolve the issues and will try to remedy the weaknesses. In a nutshell, we are going to use and exploit the weaknesses and threat through the consumer insights in order to bring strategic and relevant recommendations, with a view to the Pillsbury problem. Pillsbury Doughy is an advertising icon and mascot of the Pillsbury company) THE PROBLEM STATEMENT RUB in Canada branch performance were not satisfied over the past two years whereas refrigerated cookies had always been the most profitable product line of its category. Indeed, the volume growth between 2004 2006 had remained nearly flat at 1 % and the household penetration had fallen to 24% from previous years. The goal is to understand the possible reasons of decline in cookie sales, through the Consumer insights (taste, advertising, Current brand messaging Of the Pills bury). For this purpose, the marketing manager Guile wants to see the difference between consumer markets of Canada and that of United States in order to design a marketing strategy according to it to boost the sales as well as profit of this category. HOSTED ANALYSIS In order to understand these cultural differences here are the Hefted framework: Power distance Interdependence among its inhabitants Value placed on egalitarianism Canadians value a straightforward exchange of information individual Allis Individualistic culture people look after themselves and their immediate families Employees are expected to be self-reliant and display initiatives Masculinity Moderately masculine society Work-life balance and are likely to take time to enjoy personal pursuits, family gatherings and life in general uncertainty avoidance Uncertainty accepting. Easy acceptance of new ideas, innovative products and a willingness to try something new or different, whether it pertains to technology, business practices, or consumer products Pragmatism Normative society Strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth; they are normative in their thinking Great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to eve for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results Indulgence Indulgent Willingness to realize their impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun Higher degree of importance on leisure time, act as they please and spend money as they wish. 1 . CONSUMER INSIGHTS What are consumer insights? Definition: the collection, deployment and interpretation Of information that allows a business to acquire, develop and retain their customers. Process of collecting and analyzing customer feedbacks toward a product or a brand. Who use it? Internal marketing teams and a 3rd party research firms to conduct nonuser research. What types of business challenges can benefit from consumer insights? Gathering Consumer Insights helps to understand the preferences, attitudes and behaviors of consumers for business decisions and for new product development, brand message and promotional actions. It also helps to localize where a product can be improved or repositioned. How are consumer insights obtained? Quantitative research: based on the measurement and analysis Of relationships between variables. Questionnaire web survey. Qualitative research: gather a more in depth understanding of behavior. Focus group: owe cost, quick turnaround time. Marketing research tool where a small group of people engage in a moderate roundtable discussion on particular topics of interest D obtain the groups opinions about, or reactions to, specific products or marketing-oriented issues. Concept test: image, price, preparations, and benefits to see purchase intent. Used for new product development and to help develop brand messaging. Most concepts include an image of the product, along with pricing information, preparation instructions and a summary of key benefits. Presented to consumers in verbal or visual form ND quantitatively evaluated by consumers by indicating their degree Of purchase intent. Creative testing: evaluating the effectiveness of ads, testing the advertisement. The goal of both types of tests is to optimize advertising and packaging so that more consumers purchase the product. Usage and attitude study: survey that focuses on the frequency of product purchase and use, desirable attributes in products and product strengths and weaknesses. Quantitative study The Usage and Attitude study What? Ask consumers about their perception of the product:  «The frequency of product purchase and use  »  «The desirable attributes of the products  »  «The strengths and weaknesses Of the products  » Why? To find the right profile of the product user. To obtain insights and ideas about new products or current products Qualitative study The In-Home immersions study: Four two-hour visits at 2 lapsed users and 2 brand champions home. Why? To observe, rather than interview, the world of the consumer when theyre baking.  « To develop a real life and dynamic view of the consumer-brand relationships The discovery workshops study: 26 moms: lapsed and current users categories CLC shared thoughts, feelings and experiences. Why? To understand relationship and behavior regarding the Pillsbury brand 2. KEY LEARNING This part of the analysis will allow us to understand the difference and the similarities between the Canadian and the US market. First of all, we can make some observations about the Pillsbury Cookie Case: It is clear that the Family structure and consumer demographics are similar in Canada and in US as well as the frequency of RUG cookie baking. However, there is a big difference of preferences between scratch, refrigerated, and mix baking in both countries. Finally, we also can notice that the kid-request has a age impact on parents purchase especially in Canada. N this case, some researches are led: a quantitative one and a qualitative one. The results of theses studies are the following ones: The results of the quantitative study show clearly that Canadian people prefer the scratch baking. Indeed, 56% of Canadians VS.. 22% of Americans bake only from scratch. Another important thing to highlight is that there are similar purchase drivers in both countries but not in the same weight: -Top 1: Convenience -TOP 2: Taste -Top 3: Quality (12% less Canadians than Americans think it is high quality). Top 4: Kid- request: (10% more  « like to eat cookies  »13% more  « fun activity with kids  » This study also demonstrates that Purchase is impulsive and that the use of refrigerated cookie dough increases particularly in household with kids. The second research uses qualifications. Here, the results indicate that for mothers, baking experience is very important. With Pillsbury Cookie, this experience is relatively easy, quick, practical, affordable and pleasing to children. The most important thing is that baking is the opportunity to share memories and happy nonentities hillier and to put a smile on everyones face. For the children eating cookies the most important even if they participate, most of the time, with enthusiasm and involvement. What is enough surprising is the lack of interest of mothers and children toward nutritional values It does not matter because Contraindications really love Pillsbury. Baking and eating them represent a kind of magic, something special and it is better than a ready- made product because it is seen as an act of generosity because it asks some efforts to cook. And to finish, with Pillsbury, sometimes consumer has the impression of cheating or to keep a little secret that make him feel good. . RECOMMENDATIONS Now that we knotted Canadian consumers insight and the key learning from the usage and attitude study, we can develop several recommendations for Pillsbury into the Canadian market in order to increase the products sales: Commercials focus on children CM could use stimulus factors into the advertising in order to let the brand into the Children and mother memory. To do that they can play on several marketing aspects: Size, Intensity, Attractive visuals, Color and movement, Position, Isolation, Format, Contrast and expectations, Information quantity. Thus we recommend communicating on TV with attractive and colorful commercials. Emergency should place some printed adding front of schools, food retailers and bakery. These decontaminations on the convenient, quality and tasty side of the product. Create a Family bounding experience: In order to build a global relationship with the brand and give some future flashbulb memories, CM should focus on the brand experience for consumers. In order to add value for the moms the company could offer a baking experience with cooking classes. It would be a great moment to share between moms and children. Thanksgiving and Christmas are periods that have to be targeted in the calendar as both are about giving and sharing. Create a new product for Canadian consumers: We saw that Canadian moms love cooking. Therefore, CM should launch a cookie baking kit. This kit could be a box including all the necessary ingredients to bake cookies at home. It would be convenient for moms who have busy lifestyle and look for convenient solution to share time with their children. This kit could have a value added for children: 1 mould offer In each it, Minnie Mouse shape,Heart shape, Pumpkin shape, ghost shape, Snowman shape Focus on Emotion and well being association: In order to influence the attitude of the mother and their children about the brand, they can use testimonies on their website and social networks (Youth, faceable, Mainstream). Monthly newsletters with cookies recipes During special events such as: Halloween, Easter, Birthdays, Christmas, CM should share some customers recipes by emailing. Bake-off contest CM should create some Baking contest where customers will win Coupons and deals. These contests should be very attractive with music and a any attractions for children and moms. Make this day a real experience. Presentations and webzines to provide home-styles recipes We have seen that lappers and users are mothers keen on cooking and bringing joy and happiness all over the household. As webzines are web- based presentations, they would fit perfectly with the convenience sought by customers. As in the BIB industry, mothers (and potential fathers) would only have to switch on their computers or smartness to attend the webzines. Moreover, both moms and children would be able to improve their cooking skills from industry experts. Smartness APS and partnerships with high tech leaders CM could partner with smartness applications specialist in order to reach moms in new way. This would be the opportunity for consumers to connect deeply With the brand. Strategic partnerships with Tim Horton As the Canadian purchase drivers are taste for children and convenience for busy mothers, building a partnership with brand like Tim Horton would reinforce Pillsbury position and desire to connect with kids. Canadian people are in love with the restoration brand Tim Horton because its the most famous Canadian one. Moms always pick up there coffee there in the morning and get some bakeries for their children at the end of the day. For instance, like brands such as Kit or Ms did, Pillsbury could partner with one of childrens Tim Horton favorite dessert: the Tomtits. Sponsored events Shelf allocation and Point-of-sale display Pillsbury product should be situated on the lowest levels of the shelves in supermarkets in order children to kick them up and draw their mothers attention. This sales form of sales promotion located next to checkout counter would draw customers attention, and particularly childrens attention. It would be an efficient strategy to promote new Pillsbury products, or special offers according to relevant periods of the year e. G. Back To School, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Timeline for recommendations In order to implement these recommendations, we believe Pillsbury should build a timeline all over the year. Therefore, the marketing team would focus on specific events or period matching the customers expectations. This timeline shall bear witness of the complete understanding of consumers insights and behavior.

Monday, November 4, 2019

To Be Determined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

To Be Determined - Essay Example ed can come of the pure love (or lust) that these two men (the Duke and the Lover) seemed to want to shower on the two women who are the subjects (and objects) of these poems. These are apparently two women who had the men in their lives so afraid of losing their love that they killed to keep them where they wanted them, to control them or at least to control the moment, whether it was in the frame of a portrait or on the bed or couch that the two lovers last shared with one another. One of them even sat up and waited all night for God to come get him for the sin and the crime. If Porphyria’s lover was waiting for God to react to his selfish deed with punishment of some kind, (presumably with a bolt of lightning strategically placed to his left temple for the commission of the act of murder) why did he not just go ahead and kill himself, too? The main overall theme of both Robert Browning poems â€Å"My Last Duchess† (hereafter known as â€Å"Duchess†) and â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover† (hereafter known as â€Å"Lover†) is jealousy; as in jealousy mixed with contempt for beautiful women, all the way to the point of literal physical death. The relationship between Porphyria and her lover is positive and has a strong bond. This is why it appears that he (the Lover) could not deal with the thought of being without her. In â€Å"Duchess,† the woman that is the target of the Duke’s affection (worship nearly) has already passed on and all he has left of her is the painting on the wall, to which he, the narrator of the poem, refers at the very beginning. In â€Å"Lover,† the script is flipped. It is the object of the speaker’s discussion (the lady Porphyria) who nearly worships her man instead. He says this directly. (Browning, ll’s 32 and 33 â€Å"Happy and proud; at last I knew Porphyria worshippd me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). It is with these 10 words that the narrator of the story tells us that he realizes how far she had come to tell him of her love, and he then reveals to us, the